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Education & Training Programs

To increase compliance with fair housing laws, the Housing Equality Center offers education and training programs both to the general public and to housing professionals. Program participants receive accurate, clear and up-to-date information about their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act.

Training Topics Include:

  • Fair Housing 101
  • Know Your Rights as a Renter in PA
  • Fair Housing and Fair Lending for First Time Homebuyers
  • Fair Housing Compliance for Landlords and Real Estate Professionals
  • Fair Housing Compliance for Shelters and Nonprofit Housing Providers
  • Using Fair Housing to Assist Clients in Navigating a Successful Rental Experience
  • Fair Housing for Local Governments
  • National and Regional Trends in Fair Housing
  • Equal Access and Gender Identity Training for HUD Funded Programs

Get Training

Training is available via webinars or through in-person presentations at your office. In some cases, training can be provided at no cost. Visit our events page for information on upcoming trainings that are being offered or request more information below:

"*" indicates required fields

Would you like the Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania to review your eligibility standards, qualification and application criteria, forms, policies and procedures for fair housing compliance? All technical assistance is confidential and providers may remain anonymous if preferred*
Is this training required as part of a voluntary compliance agreement (VCA)? *

Please note that our services are free within the constraints of available funding and staff capacity. If a training is requested outside of our service area or cannot be covered through available funding, we can provide you with an estimated cost.

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